How does Career Counselor add value in Career Decision?
How do we go about buying a phone? We start with deciding the features we want and budget. We research online and ask our friends. We look at technology, hardware and software. We think about how relevant the phone shall be in future, i.e. if this would survive the time. We compare multiple models across manufacturers and based on that we shortlist, look for best offer and then only we buy.
How is a career decision taken in India for a school student?
Case-1: We look at successful siblings then cousins then relatives and then neighbors. Most successful of them in terms of salary package is the career choice for student.
Case-2: Parents dreams of a career for the child. This dream many times is something that they could not fulfill in their youth. This dream becomes the career for the student.
Case-3: Future Prediction: Parent or student read an article in some newspaper written by someone proclaiming XYZ career shall be the future. This is the career for the student.
Case-4: Influence of Friends: Student talks to his friends and chooses the career that most of them are choosing. Reason is simple those friends say that the career has huge scope and is easy to pursue.
This must have made it clear that the career decision is mostly taken in a highly unscientific manner. When career is one of the most important of life which affect every aspect of it, we ought to be much more responsible in deciding it.
There are many unique inputs that a professional Career Counselors at create for you:
Students’ interest, aptitude and personality are the core considerations. And this happens through inputs received from student in Psychometric Test.
Careers that a student aspires for are also considered.
Career Counselor at are highly experienced and professionally trained for Career Counseling.
We are non judgemental and highly professional about client secrecy.
The suggested careers are also discussed with respect to long term prospects in the field.
The process selected for Career Counseling by Top Career Counselor in Jaipur is highly scientific & process-oriented. And that makes us the best Career Counselor in Jaipur.
The psychometric tests we follow are standardized & properly validated for the Indian context. The Career Coaches here are highly experienced & internationally trained that helps us deliver best Career Guidance in Jaipur.